Thursday, December 6, 2012

What do the Elderly need? Research

I spent about maybe 25 hours in the last few days meeting and helping some of these elderly people and I wanted to know what they really needed and wanted. I suddenly realized what they are looking for and needing from us younger people... they want respect. They want to be treated as if they belong to in our society not as if they were second class citizens. We have to Acknowledge them make sure they do exist. Help them open the door for them and be polite. I talked about a few of the people i help but I help spoke and met many of the people who lived in the fairways community. I am not going to stop my blog. It is actually going to continue after this class is over.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Meeting a group of elderly women with a different walk of life

Each elderly woman has a different walk of life some came form German, some came from, New York and some came from Mexico and some came from Florida but each have a walk of life. While I was at  golf course i met a few women who ask me what is a service learning project. I explain to them that service learning is like volunteer work. What that means is that I am doing a service and at the same time I am learning. I was shocked to find out out of the 7 women only 2 of them finish school. I was told by them that because they were born in the 1930's and 1940's and one was born in 1920's and the rest in the 1940's they had to drop out of school and take care of their siblings and also one of them had to get married because she got pregnant at 16 years old and it was forced on her and those days you were lucky if you were a girl and went to school if you were no the eldest girl. I was told by one that if you were allowed to work you were lucky. Most people did not let women work any where unless she was like an office assistant or Secretary or something like that. No working in no factory or anything. I was remembering after watching North country that was so sad that those women really wanted to work in those mines and they were treated like second class citizens that was so unfair. .(this is a clip of North Country)
It is so sad that women back then had no right until the women's movement  fought for the women to work