Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Actually met some Amazing people

So today i went and introduced myself to some of the people at the Fair winds community and they were pretty much amazing first I spoke to a lady named Tabatha who is still working at 63 years old. I learned she was still works because the amount of money social security was giving her was not enough to pay her land tax.I told her that since she is over the age of 65 there is many opportunities for her... For example Medicare offers low premiums and no premiums and zero co-pays for a lot health care benefits...She said that because medicare takes so much money out of her check like 99 dollars each month she can hardly afford to live so i did some research on how elderly people are treated when it come to employment and the government... this is want i found out

This graph actually showing the amount of people working in our system and the this keeps raising...

I had gotten the answer to my question very quickly... The reason why lots of elderly people are not retiring is because many of them are not saving enough to live off of by the time they reach retirement age....

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