Monday, November 26, 2012

my Orginal propsol I

Hidden Treasure Fellowship, Assist Abused Women and Children
            This fall I plan on getting involved with Hidden Treasures Fellowship and I want to help with battered women and children who are being abused by their parents. I hope to help women of all races and from all background. My main goal is to hopefully help Haitian women because I am Haitian and I know we are victims of domestic violence.
I do plan on contacting Debbie Day Brace land and asking her for more information on the program. What I do know I do want to reach out to young women as well. I do not mind working with the people who come in and ask for help and want to know what I can do to make their situation better. I would also like to offer advice to women and children who are in an abusive situation and do not know who to turn to. I am hoping to be that soft spot they can fall onto. 
            Lastly, I will be working alone and I may have a group if someone in the class does not have any idea. I want this to be a personal experience for me so that I can make a difference in some else’s life.  I know this will have a lot to do with this class because most women now a days are still not being respected.  I know in the recent text many women had to fight for a voice and to be able to work and read and write. Now that women are equal we should stand together and try to make a difference together and stop the abuse of women who may not know they do have a say in what is going on in our country.

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