Friday, November 30, 2012

I help Ms. Cheyenne DuLois

People are so evil today and the reason why i say this is because old people should not be abuse by any nursing homes nor any where else everyone has equal human rights. I reu member watching the movie North Country when those women where being mistreated by those men because they felt they did not belong there and it is a man world.... I believe in equal right and elderly people are real human's two... Here is a news story that tells you about a woman who was battered in a nursing home.

This is a documentary of some of the abuse some elderly people face at a homemaking... Ms DuLois was pulled out of the nursing home because she was seriously abused... A nurse was caught hitting her.... The way I help her was by taking her shopping and finding some items in the store black Friday. Surprisingly it was not so bad at Ross... I love Ross it is a fun place to shop.... Going back to what i was saying before... Every woman man and child and elderly person need to be treated with the same respect as everyone else. We are all equal....

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